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Create your collection and upload your NFT
Collection name
Collection symbol
Collection description
Owner's address. Determine the address that should receive the revenue from sales of the assets.
Royalties percentage (earned from secondary sales)
NFT name
NFT Media - You can upload image, audio, video, html, text, pdf, and 3d model files here.
NFT Description
Properties #1 (Optional)
Properties #2 (Optional)
Properties #3 (Optional)
Initial Supply (How many copies of this NFT?)
Mint page Logo (500 x 500 px)
Mint page Banner (1140 x 320 px)
When will the mint start?
How many NFTs can be minted per wallet?
Select a network to deploy this contract on.
How much do you want to sell each NFT (USD) ? We convert to cryptocurerncy (current rate)
Website URL (optional)
X address (optional)
Telegram address (optional)
Discord address (optional)
Instagram address (optional)
TikTok address (optional)
Validate and create
Create your collection and upload your NFTs
Collection name
Collection symbol
Collection description
Owner's address. Determine the address that should receive the revenue from sales of the assets.
Royalties percentage (earned from secondary sales)
Files must contain one .csv or .json file with metadata. -
Download example.csv.
Download example.json.
The csv must have a name column, which defines the name of the NFT. Asset names must be sequential 0,1,2,3...n.[extension]. It doesn't matter at what number you begin. (Example: 131.png, 132.png). Make sure to drag and drop the CSV/JSON and the images at the same time. Options Images and other file types can be used in combination. They both have to follow the asset naming convention above. (Example: 0.png and 0.mp4, 1.png and 1.glb, etc.) When uploading files, we will upload them and pin them to IPFS automatically for you. If you already have the files uploaded, you can add an image and/or animation_url column and add the IPFS hashes there. Download example.csv If you want to make your media files map to your NFTs, you can add add the name of your files to the image and animation_url column. Download example.csv
Drag & Drop files or folders here, or click to select files
Mint page Logo (500 x 500 px)
Mint page Banner (1140 x 320 px)
When will the mint start?
How many NFTs can be minted per wallet?
Select a network to deploy this contract on.
How much do you want to sell each NFT (USD) ? We convert to cryptocurerncy (current rate)
Website URL (optional)
X address (optional)
Telegram address (optional)
Discord address (optional)
Instagram address (optional)
TikTok address (optional)
Validate and create
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Successful submission!
Our team will take care of creating your collection.